In a previous post I wrote about the various business linkages platforms in South Africa. In this post I would like to explore what might be missing in these platforms and what the various things are that you might need to put in order to secure business with creditable black owned companies in South Africa. Supplier databases or supplier lists have been …
Job Creation as part of Supplier Development
During a recent tender to a government institution I was faced with the question of job creation as part of supplier development. The tender was asking me how many new jobs our company would be creating if I were to win the tender. This made me think of the way in which companies account for job creation. Based on the requirements …
Three ESD Plan Strategies for Entrepreneurial Development
According to the amended BBBEE codes all companies will now need to have an Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD Plan) submitted (Section 4.12 of Statement 400) before the commencement of their new financial year. In essence there are three main strategies or a combination between these three strategies that an ESD Plan can focus on. The first and the most …
Targeted Procurement Strategies (Strategic)
Previously we have considered the tactical and the leveraged targeted procurement strategies. During this intervention we will be considering the targeted procurement interventions in the strategic arena. In the strategic space there are two areas to consider. The one is the Strategic Critical which we will discuss later and the other is the bottleneck domain. Bottleneck The Bottleneck arena has some …
Tactical Targeted Procurement Strategies
The Amended BBBEE codes have made the linkage between Enterprise Development and Preferential Procurement clear with the introduction of Supplier Development. In this article we will consider the various targeted procurement interventions that could be used to assist in the growth or entry of QSE/EME’s in the supply chain. For the purposes of this article we will therefore use targeted …
Leveraged Targeted Procurement Strategies
In our previous article we have considered the targeted procurement strategies in the tactical area of preferential procurement. This requires a specific focus on various targeted procurement interventions for Black or Black Woman Owned QSE/EMEs. Your Preferential Procurement strategy will be one of the three strategies that you will need to consider as part of your ESD plan. In this post we will consider …