This is the second part in a series on relating to Business Incubator sustainability (Click here for part one). During this part the author June Lavelle explains what is meant by incubator sustainability as well as discusses the Development phase and the Mature Incubation Phase in more detail. b) Development Phase This period contains a number of different phases of development …
Conversations with June Lavelle – Business Incubator Sustainability (Part 1)
This is the first of two articles business incubator sustainability. The work in this series has been authored by June Lavelle. During coming months we will have further discussions with Ms. Lavelle relating to various aspects of business incubation. Ms. Lavelle was among the first to spearhead the small business incubator concept: she developed the business plan, raised $1.7 million …
Social Sustainability Conversations for Enterprises
With the change in the codes from Enterprise to Supplier Development the Supply Department now becomes much more engaged around issues such as social sustainability. In a recent blog by Gregory Unruh from MIT Sloan ( he discuses how sustainability thinking can be introduced to organisations through selective conversations. In doing this however sustainability practitioners need to understand what the major …
ESD Plan and Theory of Change for Entrepreneurs
When developing your ESD plan it is important to consider what the long term impact of your strategy will be. The average enterprise and supplier development programme takes about two years to complete. During this time you would have to test your assumptions to find out if they can be validated. If you leave the programme to run without testing your …